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The EVS curriculum is designed to provide students with an understanding of the environment, sust.......


The course introduces students helping them expand their vocabulary and language usage.They learn.......


Students study the rules of Hindi grammar, including noun forms, verb conjugations, tenses, sente.......

CBSE Chemistry

In CBSE Chemistry, students learn about matter, atoms, chemical reactions, acids, bases, metals, .......

CBSE Physics

Students learn Physics as part of their science curriculum. Physics is the study of matter, energ.......

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Students learn about the fascinating world of living organisms and their interactions with the en.......


The subject provides students with a comprehensive study of Information Technology. Covering.......

CBSE English

The goal of the Academic, Training, Innovation and Research unit of Central Board of Secondary Ed.......

CBSE Maths

The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence .......


The Emointel Science program enables learners to:
– Cultivate a mindset of interest, .......

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Do you want your child to become a confident and effective public s.......


The Futurepreneur course is designed to guide, encourage, and .......


Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science and eng.......


Dance is a great way to incorporate fitness into your child’s.......


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We will greet each child as we admit them to our online studio.&nbs.......


Learn guitar online from the comfort of your home!!



If your child shows an interest in learning to play the violin or e.......


Learning Music can make a marked difference to the development of a.......


Building confidence & ins.......

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Math Magic

Emointel Math will take your child through a study area covering th.......

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In 2024 To attract more admissions to your school , consider implementing the following strategies:

Enhance Marketing: Promote your school through various channels, including social media, local newspapers ( if budget permitted) and community events. Highlight unique features and successes of the school to create a positive image. Parents search for schools whonl delivers curricular studies along with co-curricular activities . Develop an image online which can help to convince the parents that your school is the best one in terms of value. helps you to develop strategies in this line.

Engage with the Community: Foster strong ties with the local community. Participate in community events, organize workshops, and collaborate with local businesses to build a positive Swacha Abhiyan , Education to poor , Education to elders,

Online Presence : Ensure your school has a professional and informative website, Google map presence, highly rated by parents,  Utilize social media platforms to showcase achievements, student activities, and create a sense of community. helps you in achieving these objectives with in tight budget.

Word of Mouth: Encourage satisfied parents and students to share their positive experiences. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in attracting new admissions.

Open Houses and Campus Tours: Organize open houses and campus tours to allow prospective parents and students to experience your school environment firsthand.

Scholarships and Discounts: Consider offering scholarships or discounts to attract students. This can make your school more appealing, especially to economically diverse communities.

Quality Education: Ensure a high standard of education and a positive learning environment. Academic excellence and satisfied students contribute significantly to attracting new admissions.

Alumni Network:  Leverage your alumni network. Satisfied alumni can become ambassadors, sharing their success stories and contributing to the school's positive reputation.

Collaborate with Education Consultants: Work with education consultants who can guide parents and students toward your school. Establishing such partnerships can expand your reach.

Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback system to understand the concerns and expectations of current parents. Addressing these can improve the overall satisfaction and attract new admissions. Digitechmax can engage parents to get feedbacks for you on your own platform.

Remember that building a strong reputation takes time, so be patient and persistent in your efforts.

Introducing Emointel the premier service provider in India for extracurricular activities and brand building. Elevate your school's reputation with our tailored online strategies, designed to enhance admissions in 2024-25.

Partner with DigitechMax, the leading result-driven digital marketing agency. They specialize in driving social media marketing and refining brand positioning. Unlock the potential of strategic online presence for your school.

Emointel is at the forefront, assisting medium-sized schools in crafting effective online strategies for the upcoming academic years. Our expertise lies in preparing schools for success, ensuring a robust plan for admissions in 2024-25.

Ready to take your school to new heights? Contact us today to schedule a business meeting. Together, let's shape the future of education through innovation and strategic excellence. Visit unparalleled services and cutting-edge digital marketing solutions. Remember that building a strong reputation takes time, so be patient and persistent in your efforts.


With the pandemic has flipped the world and with schools shutting their doors for an indefinite time, we have seen an ascent in online learning platforms across the globe that assist by taking care of your kid's learning and development necessities during this pandemic condition. As India's popular and trusted online learning platform, Emointel has made online learning an easy, fun, and joyful experience for online preschool classes for kids in India and different urban areas also. With a horde of online classes accessible for a parent to browse that guarantees that the youngster gets the perfect measure of learning at the solace of home, the projects curetted by Emointel are extraordinary, inventive, safe, and created on a subject-based educational plan. Browse LIVE virtual classes accessible at a click, or age-based pre-recorded learning playlists and let the learning proceed for your kid while at home. In case you are searching for the best online classes for pre-school classes for kids or movement classes for youngsters in Indore, then, at that point do go through our online learning programs that are adored and trusted by a great many guardians.

Qualities that online preschool classes for kids teach:


Numbers are the building blocks of understanding most subjects later on. It's one of the two essential subjects that is taught in preschool. Numbers are taught in a lively manner through games and exercises, creating interest among the children. Can your child become familiar with every one of these without any assistance or with the assistance of a guide? Totally. In any case, learning with other children of the same age group guarantees that they 

develop interest to learn consistently.

Preschool educators additionally know a greater number of games than us guardians and are better prepared to know which action is better for learning a specific part.


Before nursery school, the lone communication a youngster has is with his family and neighbors. Be that as it may, a school ambiance acquaints them with a totally different scope of connections — educators and other children. They figure out how unique a discussion is relying upon who you are conversing with. Different abilities they acquire include: reacting to their names, addressing different questions, playing and collaborating with companions, helping other people, sharing toys, asking instructors questions, and considerably more. We realize that social correspondence is a lot important to prevail in school and a future profession, and a preschool for youngsters fabricates a solid establishment for it.


The preschool years, otherwise known as, 2-3 years old, is the ideal age to learn language and vocabulary. Alphabets and word affiliations are some of the essential things a youngster will learn in online preschool classes. In any case, what separates a nursery from a book is the live communications between the educator and students. This to and fro talking teaches a little child a wide scope of new words and strengthens the comprehension of the past word they knew. All things considered, practice brings about promising results and the best method for learning vocabulary by conversing with others.

Enhances Creativity

Pre-schools offer great roads to foster your kid's creativity. From craftsmanship to proactive tasks, the scope of exercises for preschool kids is intended to keep the children connected with and joyful. Exercises, drawing, painting and creating, are fundamental in developing self-articulation and dynamic abilities. It's a period in a youngster's life where they have a lot of reality to play till their little hearts' content. There are likewise standard plays that are coordinated by the educators. These plays use youngsters' unrivaled creative minds and imagination.

Using time productively

Pre-school gives kids the real taste of an accordant daily schedule. Before this, the youngster has the entire day to do anything they desire and has no clue of time. However, schools, even online ones, keep a normal timetable. An online preschool class in India makes a child acquainted with going to planned classes inside the solace of their homes, setting them up for future school timings. In the event that a kid doesn't have any involvement in a reliable everyday practice prior to getting conceded to actual kindergartens and grade schools, they are substantially more likely to get overpowered. Exercises in preschool additionally instruct kids that classes are intended for learning and breaks are intended for eating.

What Is The Ideal Time For Joining Preschool?

Since we realize that preschool instruction is fundamental for a kid's development and advancement, you should be thinking about what the ideal age for joining preschool is? Most preschools just join kids older than two years. The best age to begin preschool is between 2 to 3 years. During this age, a little child is sufficiently agreeable to adhere to guidelines yet inquisitive enough to need to learn everything. Also, on the off chance that you stress over sending your little ones, relax. That is the reason we suggest nursery online classes. So pause for a minute or two and watch your youngster attend the online preschool near you.


 Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.

There is debate over whether mathematical objects such as numbers and points exist naturally or are human creations. The mathematician Benjamin Peirce called mathematics "the science that draws necessary conclusions". Albert Einstein, on the other hand, stated that "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

Through abstraction and logical reasoning mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far back as written records exist. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Mathematics continued to develop, in fitful bursts, until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacted with new scientific discoveries, leading to an acceleration in research that continues to the present day.

Today, mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new disciplines. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later.  


Propel youngsters to take up a game- Teamwork, an incentive for difficult work, just as regard for other people and rules, picked up during play can contribute incredibly to the general advancement of your kid. The competitive spirit of sports can likewise assist with showing youngsters how to deal with both winning and losing with development.

If your kid is from 6 to 10 years: At this age, youngsters are extremely curious about their general surroundings. They challenge what they know and start to figure out how to adjust.

Urge them to think and prepare – Try out fun methods of goal setting with your youngsters to advance a can-do disposition. Utilize a colorful diary or an enormous graph paper. Permit your kids to pick their objectives even basic objectives like brushing their teeth two times per day are adequate. Urge them to think about the motivation behind the advantage of their objectives. Help them break the goals into attainable targets lastly conceptualize the impediments and how they could conquer those. Audit this one time each week or one time per month.

Practice mindfulness- Enrolling in yoga and care exercises to foster spotlight and pondering flexibility is another approach to foster intellectual initiative characteristics.

If your kid is from 11 to 17 years: Teens experience their first proper association at school and models of administration are created from this basic period.

Model administration conduct to youngsters -Children gain from seeing what others do. Mention to the youngster what you are doing and why you are doing it. Allow them to see you doing it so they have good examples to follow.

Help youngsters to understand be comprehensive- Encourage them to deal with projects about friendly issues like partaking in a long-distance race for keeping urban areas greener or social mindfulness missions or issues identifying with creatures and other living creatures in our biological system. Here are some great missions pre-teenagers and adolescents could join.

Urge youngsters to take up leisure activities -Hobbies are a stage for adolescents to seek after their inclinations, which thus benefits them in discovering their enthusiasm, growing new abilities, and in any event, having a sound body and brain. Here is a spot for certain thoughts on leisure activities which young people can seek after.

Showing youngsters Leadership abilities at a youthful age will help them for the duration of their life. Being a pioneer is certainly not a careful science, however sharpening this expertise and teaching propensities should have been pioneers can set up the cutting edge to start to lead the pack and become dependable grown-ups.


The Impacts of COVID-19 are being faced by everyone around the globe, maybe most intensely by our kids, who have now moved from a personal education framework to the realm of the online domain. This has influenced their academic interest as well as their reading propensities.

Is it true that you are as a parent concerned about your kids reading enough with the restricted admittance to the school or nearby library? Youngsters who are as of now hesitant to read now appear to have very few freedoms to get the habit.

Reading helps speed up a youngster's capacity to get language abilities. In addition to the fact that it stimulates interest in a kid, however, it likewise builds focus, further develops the capacity to focus, and helps in memory maintenance. Here are our best hints to take your youngster on an excursion from 'Figuring out how to Read' to 'Reading to Learn' and to assist them with growing as an engaged reader.

1. Give simple admittance to a wide assortment of books 

Although we will most likely be unable to go to our neighborhood libraries any longer, we can still get access to an abundance of books on the web. Some online free libraries are available to be used, which have fascinating short stories and jargon games. Online stories where your youngster can pay attention to books being perused out by well-known entertainers.

2. Pick books astutely 

Permit your youngster to pick what they read because every kid has various interests. One kid may like sci-fi, while another may like fantasy. The best we can manage is to expose them to various genres, various writers and let them pick the book they like. Likewise, giving them the freedom to quit reading a book mid-way is alright as well since they probably won't appreciate it if they won't enjoy a after reading a few pages.

If your kid is hesitant to read, you could choose a funny book or one with outlines and graphs. Comic books, realistic books, and book recordings are likewise mainstream decisions.

3. Include yourself in their reading encounters 

Displaying an interest in reading impacts kids. It at times appears to be out of line that we request that they read when we don't understand ourselves! So demonstrating is fundamental. Reading books out loud is additionally a great way for you to bond with your kid while further developing their language abilities and showing them the delights of reading. If your youngster intrudes on you when you are reading to them, connect with them in a discussion about the book. You can pose inquiries, go through pictures or make fun voices for various characters to arouse their curiosity.



4. Comprehend your kid's conditions 

Comprehend the troubles your youngster encounters while reading and, give them books suitable to their understanding capacities. Reviewed reading, particularly of exemplary storybooks, is an incredible method of giving level-proper language just as allowing your kid to understand and appreciate an immortal work of art.

Magazines, funnies, and realistic books are useful for youngsters who are feeble at reading or have learning inabilities. Having the option to finish a page gives them a feeling of achievement and a colossal confidence sponsor which thus prompts kids normally needing to understand more.

In conclusion, recall reading for delight is a relaxed movement! In some cases, the explanation your youngster appears to detest reading is essential because it is a timetabled errand instead of something they decide to do in their extra energy to unwind.

5. Broaden the understanding of experience 

Reading doesn't need to stop at the last page of the book. Guardians can abuse the reading text to further develop their kid's language capability and increment their advantage in kid's reading. Get your youngster to do an assignment around what they have perused, like drawing characters from the story and portraying them, recording new words they have gotten, or video recording them portraying the story maybe with a substitute closure of the story. You could likewise essentially discuss what they have read.


Innovativeness in kids is a necessity of the current time, so because it's anything but fundamental 21st-century expertise and a much sought-after item of the future. The universe of things to come needs youthful personalities to think diversely to advance and enhance, so give your kid a lift to be more innovative.


4 stages to help your youngster's innovativeness 


Change the daily schedule: Change your youngster's ordinary routine once in a while with another experience. It very well may be an hour of gathering things from nature, reusing old things, painting utilizing fingers, or some other exceptional article. These are basic approaches to make your kids think creatively. The key is to do an alternate assignment alternately. For example, if your youngster consistently gets their work done inside the house, they can have a go at doing it's anything but a porch or an open space. This need not be a costly encounter or one with a great deal of exertion. This sets out freedom for your kid to think creatively and boost innovativeness in kids


No decisions: For imagination to boost, there should be a less prohibitive climate where the kid isn't reluctant to commit a mistake, willing to check it out, and feels no dread of judgment or analysis. Along these lines, a drawing or a kid's piece of craftsmanship may not be a work of compelling artwork however liking them for their work and recognizing the exertion and interest is essential. This empowers to develop Innovativeness in kids, as they might suspect and accept that they can check things out, do things any other way and not be reluctant to attempt. Attempting is a significant advance in being innovative.


Exposure: It's useful for kids to see, know and comprehend things that are uncommon or diverse as this exposes their minds to additional opportunities. Thus, watching recordings of various types of craftsmanship, meeting individuals who have various jobs, watching various types of dance or music. These make various encounters that will affect how a youngster thinks and reacts. Expanding exposure will make the youngster see less limitation and rather more prospects, which empowers them to be inventive and creative in their reasoning.


Opportunity: Giving kids time and freedom to analyze is important to how innovative they can be. At the point when they have a plan to construct, make or change something on the off chance that they are given help and consolation to seek after, they start to sort out the actual world and discover impediments and potential outcomes by request, and this has demonstrated to be compelling as their learning is more significant and enduring. Regularly, being mentioned that what they intend to make, or construct is too troublesome or not useful can dissuade their purpose to seek after a chance and consequently limit their imagination.
